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Temporal and spectral manipulations of correlated photons using a time lens


A common challenge in quantum information processing with photons is the limited ability to manipulate and measure correlated states. An example is the inability to measure picosecond-scale temporal correlations of a multiphoton state, given state-of-the-art detectors have a temporal resolution of about 100 ps. Here, we demonstrate temporal magnification of time-bin-entangled two-photon states using a time lens and measure their temporal correlation function, which is otherwise not accessible because of the limited temporal resolution of single-photon detectors. Furthermore, we show that the time lens maps temporal correlations of photons to frequency correlations and could be used to manipulate frequency-bin-entangled photons. This demonstration opens a new avenue to manipulate and analyze spectral and temporal wave functions of many-photon states.

Publication Details

Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Physical Review A