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Optically controlled phase gate for two spin qubits in coupled quantum dots


We present a feasible scheme for performing an optically controlled phase gate between two conduction electron spin qubits in adjacent self-assembled quantum dots. Interaction between the dots is mediated by the tunneling of the valence hole state, which is activated only by applying a laser pulse of the right polarization and frequency. Combining the hole tunneling with the Pauli blocking effect, we obtain conditional dynamics for the two quantum dots, which is the essence of our gating operations. Our results are of explicit relevance to the recent generation of vertically stacked self-assembled InAs quantum dots, and show that by a design which avoids unintended dynamics the gate could be implemented in theory in the 10-ps range and with a fidelity over 90%. Our proposal therefore offers an accessible path to the demonstration of ultrafast quantum logic in quantum dots.

Publication Details

Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Physical Review B