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Photon-pair condensation by engineered dissipation published in PRL

August 21, 2019
Photon-pair condensation

Dissipation induces decoherence in a quantum system which is usually detrimental for quantum state engineering and quantum information processing. However, by engineering dissipation properly, it can actually be a useful resource for preparing exotic quantum strongly-correlated states. Now, in a recent published article in PRL, we show that by placing uncorrelated photons in an engineered dissipative environment, the photons pair up and form photon-pair bound states. Subsequently, the identical photon-pair bound states clump together and form a condensate. This new phase of photons is called “photon-pair condensate”. Unlike the usual superfluid condensates in ultracold atomic systems, the photon-pair condensate exhibit long-range order of photon pair correlation, which is a unique feature of strongly-correlated bosonic systems. Furthermore, motivated by recent advances in superconducting qubit systems, we propose an implementation of dissipative environment in circuit-QED architecture.



  • Profile photo of Mohammad Hafezi

    Mohammad Hafezi

    Minta Martin Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics (Joint appointment), Simons Fellow